Thursday, June 17, 2010

Another update on life in NC

So far we are loving life in North Carolina. It sure is hot, but right now we are both really enjoying the heat. We are settled in at our new apartment and starting to get to know the area better.

Court (me) is going to be working at All Starz Children's Academy beginning next week. I'll be working with a range of kids from infants to 5 years old. I am really looking forward to having a busy schedule. I'm not the type of person that can sit around during the day, so the 7am - 4pm schedule will certainly keep me from being bored. I also have some teaching opportunities in the evenings. Right now I'm teaching Mondays & Wednesdays at North Carolina Dance Institute. I've really enjoyed working with the students & the director, Kirstie Spadie (an NCSA grad) is awesome! In August & on some Saturdays I'll be teaching ballet at Raleigh School of Ballet. This studio has some beautiful ballerinas & I am looking forward to working with them.

Dave took the dreaded level III of the CFA on June 5th. We have to wait until late August for the results. He has been making contacts in the area and feels confident that the right job will come at the right time. We trust that God has a plan and therefore aren't worried about finding a job too quickly. In the meantime he is enjoying not studying. He is reading books other than textbooks, working out, and hanging out with me. :)

We are also enjoying spending more time with my brother TJ. I had the opportunity to visit his school, The Citadel, in Charleston, SC. Charleston is a beautiful place to visit! He is playing baseball with the Hi-Toms in nearby Thomasville, NC for the summer, so we have the opportunity to watch him play & hang out more often. In fact we met him halfway for dinner last night.

We've found a few great churches as well. We've been attending Hope Community Church. Its a huge church, with a contemporary feel, good music, and a solid message. Last week we were invited to attend Southbridge Fellowship Church. Their service is held in a movie theater, which was pretty neat. They are looking to find or build a more permanent location. This church was also contemporary and the pastor gave a good message. I like the more personal feel at Southbridge. We are going to listen to the entire message series at Southbridge & then decide which church to call home. We're looking forward to joining a community group and meeting some people in the area.

Okay, I know this post is getting long. I need to start updating more often & not all at once.

We hope y'all are doing well.
You're always welcome to come visit us. We have a comfy pull-out couch & an air mattress. We'll even serve you some southern biscuits and sweet tea!