Thursday, September 15, 2011

3 Months Old

Our little man is 3 months old... well, he's actually not that little.  He's about 20 lbs & 26 inches!
Tyler is interacting & talking a lot more, which is fun!  He is definitely developing his own personality.
Mommy has started working part time teaching ballet and managing & teaching Pure Barre.  I'm so thankful that I can be home with him most of the time and that I have my mom & husband to watch him on the few days that I teach.  Its been a busy & exhausting few weeks, but we are adjusting to our new schedule.
Tyler is sleeping so much better at night too, which is awesome!  He still doesn't sleep through the night, but most nights he'll sleep for a 5 hr stretch, then 4 hrs, then anywhere between 2-4 hrs.  He usually wakes with a huge smile on his face.  :)

Our handsome little man!