Thursday, September 15, 2011

3 Months Old

Our little man is 3 months old... well, he's actually not that little.  He's about 20 lbs & 26 inches!
Tyler is interacting & talking a lot more, which is fun!  He is definitely developing his own personality.
Mommy has started working part time teaching ballet and managing & teaching Pure Barre.  I'm so thankful that I can be home with him most of the time and that I have my mom & husband to watch him on the few days that I teach.  Its been a busy & exhausting few weeks, but we are adjusting to our new schedule.
Tyler is sleeping so much better at night too, which is awesome!  He still doesn't sleep through the night, but most nights he'll sleep for a 5 hr stretch, then 4 hrs, then anywhere between 2-4 hrs.  He usually wakes with a huge smile on his face.  :)

Our handsome little man!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Two Months

At 2 months Tyler weighs 15 lbs & is 24 inches long.  He's at the top of the charts.  We have a big boy!
He's "talking" more, smiling, & making eye contact.  He's beginning to develop more of a personality, which is fun!  He inherited his mama's bad sleep habits though.  He still wakes every 2-4 hrs at night.  Other than causing sleepless nights for his mama, he's a really good & happy baby.  

Monday, July 25, 2011

Growing Quickly

Tyler is growing so fast!  At only 7 weeks old he can wear 3-6 month clothing.  We have a big boy!  Next week he has his 2 month doctor's appointment so I'll have an updated height & weight.
Here are some recent pictures of our baby boy:

Friday, July 1, 2011

Photo Shoot

 Tyler had a 2 week old photo shoot.  It was experience that I'll never forget.  
The photographer came to our home with all her equipment for the shoot.  Tyler was sleeping & ready to go, but of course he woke up just in time to start taking pictures.  He likes to squirm, so its hard to keep him still.  The photographer stayed for 2.5 hours & was super patient.  In that time Tyler pooped twice (and he was naked, so it got all over the blankets he was on), peed about 4 times, spit up once, and needed to nurse twice.  By the end I was exhausted, but at least he eventually fell asleep.  We got some good photos.  
Here is the link:

Saturday, June 11, 2011

He's Here!

Tyler Kenneth Teas was born on 6/7/11 at 8:39am 
weighing 8lbs 9oz & measuring 21 3/4cm.

Birth Story:

We started Monday morning by waking up early to watch the sunrise over the ocean.  We began Tuesday morning by welcoming our baby boy into the world.  We are overwhelmed by God's beauty and blessings.

On Monday evening I was having regular contractions, which wasn't uncommon because I had been having frequent contractions for weeks.  We decided to go for a short walk around our complex, then I laid down & tried to relax.  The contractions were coming regularly & were increasing in intensity.  I insisted we wait to go to the hospital because I didn't want to be in pre-term labor & be sent home.  (Which had happened 2 weeks earlier).  Suddenly I heard a "pop" which made me jump up & shout that it was time to go.  We gathered our things & jumped in the car, only to turn around a minute later because we forgot our birthing ball.  I ran inside to quickly use the bathroom & by the time I was back at the car my water had broken & began leaking.  Dave hit the gas & we were off.  He even ran a red light.  :)  We arrived at the hospital at around 9:30pm and were quickly admitted to a room in labor & delivery.  My contractions began to increase in intensity, but I was still only dilated 2 cm.  I labored for about 8 hours before the pain became more than I could handle.  I received an epidural & by then I was 9 cm... almost there.  The final three hours were a bit more bearable.  He came out after about 6 pushes.  David was an awesome coach, despite being totally exhausted himself.  As soon as Tyler was placed on my chest, the 11 hours of labor seemed far off in the distance.  We remained in the hospital until Thursday afternoon.  We're now home & getting used to being a family of three.

Tyler is healthy and beautiful.  We feel so very blessed. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Any day now!

  Only 10 days until my estimated due date!  I'm excited, but also a little anxious. My doctor won't let me go a week past my due date, so we'll have a baby in our arms sometime in the next 2 weeks. 
We'll update our blog with photos soon after he is born, so keep checking.  :)

Friday, May 13, 2011


The nursery is complete!
Special thanks to everyone who contributed.

(click on photos to make them larger)

The stork will be arriving soon. :)

This is where he'll be sleeping the first few months.