Wednesday, January 13, 2010

We're Moving

Some of you may know that we've been talking about moving for a long time... well, we're finally doing it. In April we will be packing up our apartment in Walnut Creek, California and moving across the country to Raleigh, North Carolina. We are excited for this new chapter of our life, but we'll certainly miss our friends and family in the Bay Area.

We have been praying about this decision for awhile and continue to feel that God is calling us to North Carolina.
Fear and uncertainty have stood in our way, but we are now ready to take a leap of faith and trust in God's provisions. Even if it seems a little bit crazy. Another thing drawing us to North Carolina is the lower cost of living. We're looking forward to having a home and starting a family in the near future.

We'll keep you u
pdated as more things fall into place. We plan on having a going-away party in March (either the 13th or 20th) & we'll send an Evite when the date gets closer.

Raleigh, NC

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